
**Remove factory reflectors first before applying decal. Make sure the surface is clean and free of any material left from the previous reflector.**

**Make sure you have the right decal for each side, before your start applying it. Each side is different**

Dry Method
1. Clean the area where the sticker is going to be applied
2.  Remove sticker from paper backing and carefully apply in the desired location
Wet Method
Positive– Easier to line up
Negative– Does not work well in colder climates
1. Clean the area where the sticker is going to be applied
2. Soak the location where the decal is going to be applied with a mild soapy water solution from a spray bottle.
3. Apply sticker to the area and slide it around until you get the desired location
4. Force any air bubbles to the outside edges of the decal
5.  Allow the decal to fully dry before touching it or driving vehicle
– Take precaution when washing the vehicle with a power washer or high pressure hose. Do not spray in the area of the decal, it could cause the decal to peel up.